
Deposit Account Application


Select the type of account you wish to open

         Safe & Sound Checking:
         Allegiance Checking:
         EcoGreen Checking:

         Traditional Savings:
         Endurance Club Savings:
         Money Market:

Additional Services
         Debit Card - Primary Account Owner:
         Debit Card - Secondary Account Owner:
         Digital Banking - Primary Account Owner:
         Digital Banking - Secondary Account Owner:

At which office location will you be doing most of your banking?


Account Ownership

          Single Owner (individual):
          Joint (right to survivorship):
          In Trust For (ITF):

Primary Account Owner

*Name (First M. Last):
*Date of Birth (mm/dd/yy):
*City State Zip:
*Primary Phone Number:
*Work Phone Number:
*Drivers License
          Issue Date (mm/dd/yy):
          Expiration Date (mm/dd/yy):
*Email Address:

Secondary Account Owner    (if you selected Joint account ownership)

Name (First M. Last):
Date of Birth (mm/dd/yy):
City State Zip:
Primary Phone Number:
Work Phone Number:
Drivers License
          Issue Date (mm/dd/yy):
          Expiration Date (mm/dd/yy):
Email Address:

Beneficiary (if you selected ITF ownership)

Beneficiary #1 - Name (First M. Last):
Beneficiary #1 - Distribution Percentage:
Beneficiary #2 - Name (First M. Last):
Beneficiary #2 - Distribution Percentage:

Deposit Information

*Initial Deposit Amount: $
*Initial Deposit Type:

Taxpayer ID Number Certification

I am not subject to backup withholding either because I have not been notified that
I am subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all interest or
dividends, or that Internal Revenue Service has notified me that I am
no longer subject to backup withholding.:
I am an exempt recipient under the Internal Revenue Service regulations.:
I am not a United States person, or if I am an individual, I am neither a citizen
nor a resident of the United States.:
I certify under penalties of perjury the statements checked in this section are true.:
I will provide 2 pieces of valid identification when coming in to sign my signature card.:

I certify that the information on this application and any attachments to be true and accurate. By signing below, I authorize Alliance Bank to conduct inquiries regarding my credit and employment histories, and to answer questions others may ask about my credit record with the Bank. I understand that I must update credit information at the Bank’s request if my financial condition changes. I authorize the Alliance Bank to keep this application regardless of its approval or denial of my account application.


*Required Fields